Dredging is the expertise of the Group. During last 2 decades the company conducted maintenance dredging for Indian Navy in Kochi (Kerala), Kolaghat Thermal Power Station (West Bengal), Cochin Ship Yard in Kerala for Dhuvaran Thermal Power Station in Gujarat and MPPGCL Sarni in M.P. During the last 5 years company has executed over 6 million cubic meters of dredging. Our Group has also been awarded a contract by Madhwa Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited (MPPGCL), Sarni for dredging, pumping out and handling of Fly Ash Cargo w.e.f.June,09.
Dredging Operation on National Waterways
Dredging Snap on Water Ways
The West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited
Maintaining desired channel to ensure steady supply of water through dredging of river Rupnarayan at Kolghat Thermal Power Station.